Sunday, 5 September 2010


World-mirror hanging daintily, fragile dewdrop, on the bottom of my window-sill
Spotlight from above, sun ray finds its way through cotton fluff
Wind instrument sighing, singing and rustling, green leaf on brown stem
Ballet artist pirouettes, caught up in the breeze, piece of paper on the wind

And I simply pass by.

Where is the wonder, I wonder?

Sunday, 18 April 2010

The Outsider

Like bright sunshine on
A cold bleak autumn morning
stands the outsider.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

The fading winter

Glorious sunshine
Runnels of melting snow
Spring is here

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Haikus are traditional Japanese poems arranged in three phrases consisting of 5,7 and 5 syllables each. Short yet powerful, they are in my opinion, one of the most expressive forms of poetry. The strength of a haiku lies in its ability to evoke with very few words a picture in the reader's mind. The more vivid the picture...and the more room there is for interpretation, the better the haiku! While Japanese haikus generally contain a reference to a particular season, modern day English ones often deviate from this rule.

This muse was inspired by Taruna's blog on the subject - so thank you to her! The ones below are arranged roughly in the order in which I like them. Read on and feel free to interpret!

The entrances packed
Empty space in the middle -
Peak hour city bus.

Speeding down the road,
Throbbing anger in my veins -
Deer in my headlights.

Distant flash of red
hood, a silent scolding - you
should have held on, dear.

Thin frost on spring buds -
Old man, young boy study each
other across years.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The Only Thing

There are some feelings that, the instant pen is put to paper, vanish like the soul of a dying man. And yet it is in our nature to strive unceasingly to express them. To what purpose, I do not know. Here's my latest, on one such feeling and I hope it conveys atleast a fraction of what it was meant to. As a clarification - the subject in this particular poem is unknown ;).

The Only Thing

The jingle of coins in my wallet
The crispness of a fresh shirt on my back
A plate to eat out of, a grand roof over my head
Of food, water and riches I had plenty yet strove for more
For hunger still gnawed and the throat remained parched
And nothing could fill me, quench my thirst or make me whole

The concern on the face of a close friend
The happiness of coming home to a pet
The pleasant chaos of the household, those journeys to faraway places
Of vibrant memories I suffered from no shortage yet searched for more
For the mind still felt empty as an overturned pot
And nothing could fill me, quench my thirst or make me whole

The tang of sea breeze on my lips
The happy tiredness from walking aimless miles
The fullness of a satisfying meal
Sights and sounds to last a lifetime I did witness yet thirsted for more
For the heart still cried like a baby for want of attention
And nothing could fill me, quench my thirst or make me whole

But the mind brims with happiness today
And the heart beats strong and true
For I found discarded, lost amongst all that I knew
The only thing that could never be fully known, never understood
The only thing that could fill me, quench my thirst and make me whole -