Friday, 28 March 2008


Random thoughts that resulted in a poem promptly penned down are herewith attached...
Comments and criticism appreciated - as always! :)

When the revving of a bike
Makes you yearn for that wind on your face
When the greening trees against a grey sky
Remind you of the view from your high terrace
When a ride in an intercity train brings back
Memories of all that noise, dust and those rust-brown tracks
When a foreign tongue starts sounding like a known dialect
And strange faces do familiar memories resurrect…

When the waves themselves seem to break
With a message from distant shores, hidden in a poem,
When an esoteric dish with some masala, does a familiar delicacy make
When Roman architecture brings to mind an Indo-Saracenic dome…
Then my friend, realize - and make no mistake -
That you must delay no more for sanity’s sake -
‘Tis time to pack your bags and Go Home.


Ashwat said...

not bad not bad...just one kutti thing.."Saracenic"

Ashwat said...

do you realise we are the only two losers who comment on each others posts?

Sid said...

hehe, thanx - wonder how I missed it!

LOL...totally noticed and registered with no shame at all. Why do you think we started this together? :P

nutty candy said...

lol... nice! so is it time to pack your bags?? or get admitted soemwhere? :D

Anonymous said...

hey! guys and girl, (sid, achoo and nutty candy) your blog expressions are certainly being noticed and enjoyed but not commented upon. please continue the 'ramblings'.
Awaiting fresh posts, indeed.

Sid said...

... thank you!