Tuesday 9 October 2007


I once told Achoo the part-owner, currently in-absentia, of this blog that I had a friend called X (damn privacy restrictions!) and he asked, "Why is he?"

That, precisely is the question you may ask of this blog. Why is it?

A very good question...meaning, it's tough to answer! The crux of it is that we were both struck by a sudden, inexplicable urge to give a certain movie protagonist a Tamil name...

If you haven't guessed by now, the privileged character was none other than Captain JACK-SPARROW! :D

We were so stupefied by our ingenuity that we decided to immortalise it in the form of this blog.

Hopefully, immortality is not a myth. Our ingenuity is certainly not.


IC said...

r.o.t.f.l!!captain aapu kuruvi..n mynah masala dosa!!omg!!rotfl!!
Immortality ka tho pata nahi!!lekin..ur ingenuity tho..lajawaab hain..sid saab!!anyways...wat a nice way to immortalise p.o.t.c!!

Ashwat said...

That our ingenuity is not a myth is open to debate.

Anonymous said...

can you guys please explain in a post how the 'masala dosa' came about?
A take on 'quick gun murugan' or the 'spicy' posts?

Sid said...

I think we were both quite hungry when this happened, machi...